Localization Functions

A set of functions which are available to the LocalizationManager to add customized localization strings.

LocalizationManager:add_localized_strings( tbl )

Registers a table of keys localized strings.
tbl A table of localized strings, where the key is the localization id, and the value is the localized string to fetch.

-- Directly adding to the localized strings table
LocalizationManager:add_localized_strings( {
    ["loc_example_test_string"] = "This is our localization test string!",
    ["loc_example_test_string2"] = "This is another localization test string!",
} )

-- Automatically adding localized strings once the LocalizationManager has loaded
Hooks:Add("LocalizationManagerPostInit", "LocalizationManagerPostInit_LocExample", function(loc)

    loc:add_localized_strings( {
        ["loc_example_test_string"] = "This is our localization test string!",
        ["loc_example_test_string2"] = "This is another localization test string!",
    } )


LocalizationManager:load_localization_file( file_path )

Loads a json formatted file and adds all keys and values to the localization table.
file_path The file to be loaded, and registered in the localization manager.

-- loc.txt
    "loc_example_json_file" : "This is a localization string being loaded from JSON",
    "loc_example_json_file2" : "This is another JSON loaded string!"

-- YourMod.lua
LocalizationManager:load_localization_file( "loc.txt" )