Hooked functions which multiple functions can listen to, so that when the original hook is called, all functions listening to it will be called too.
Hooks:RegisterHook( hook_id )
Can also be called as Hooks:Register( hook_id )
Registers a hook, so that it may be listened to, and called at a later time.
The unique identifier of the hooked function to register.
Hooks:RegisterHook( "OnMyExampleModLoaded" )
Hooks:AddHook( hook_id, id, func )
Can also be called as Hooks:Add( hook_id, id, func )
Adds a function to the specified hooked function hook_id
so that the func
is called when
the parent hook is called.
The identifier of hook to call this function on.
A unique identifier for this specific hooked function call, so that we may removed it later.
A function to be ran when the parent hook hook_id
is called.
Hooks:AddHook( "OnMyExampleModLoaded", "OnMyExampleModLoaded_ExampleMod2", function()
log("OnMyExampleModLoaded was called!")
end )
Hooks:UnregisterHook( hook_id )
Can also be called as Hooks:Unregister( hook_id )
Removes a hook, so that it will no longer call any hooked functions that have been added to it.
The unique identifier of the hooked function to unregister.
Hooks:UnregisterHook( "OnMyExampleModLoaded" )
Hooks:Call( hook_id, ... )
Calls the hook with hook_id
, and executes all hooked functions listening to this hook. Any arguments can be passed into the call.
The unique identifier of the hook to call its hooked functions.
Any arquements to pass into each of the hooked function calls.
Hooks:Call( "OnMyExampleModLoaded", "TestData", 1234, { 5, 6, 7, 8 } )
Hooks:ReturnCall( hook_id, ... )
Identical to Hooks:Call except will return the first non-nil value returned by a hooked function.
The unique identifier of the hook to call its hooked functions.
Any arquements to pass into each of the hooked function calls.
local r = Hooks:ReturnCall( "OnMyExampleModLoaded", "TestData", 1234, { 5, 6, 7, 8 } )
do_stuff( r )
Hooks:PreHook( object, func, id, pre_call )
Automatically hooks a function to be called before the specified function on a specified object.
The object for the pre-hook to search for the func
to hook.
A function name, as a string, on the object
to be pre-hooked.
The unique identifier for this pre-hook.
The function that should be called before func
is called on object
Hooks:PreCall( PlayerManager, "init", "TestPrePlayerManagerInit", function(ply)
log("PlayerManager Pre-initialized")
end )
Hooks:RemovePreHook( id )
Removes the pre-hook with identifier that matches id
The unique identifier for the pre-hook to be removed.
Hooks:RemovePreHook( "TestPrePlayerManagerInit" )
Hooks:PostHook( object, func, id, post_call )
Automatically hooks a function to be called after the specified function on a specified object.
The object for the post-hook to search for the func
to hook.
A function name, as a string, on the object
to be post-hooked.
The unique identifier for this post-hook.
The function that should be called after func
is called on object
Hooks:Post( PlayerManager, "init", "TestPostPlayerManagerInit", function(ply)
log("PlayerManager Post-initialized")
end )
Hooks:RemovePostHook( id )
Removes the post-hook with identifier that matches id
The unique identifier for the post-hook to be removed.
Hooks:RemovePostHook( "TestPostPlayerManagerInit" )